San Bernardino County Workforce Development Board
Employment Services - CA
About Us
Connecting San Bernardino job seekers with the region's best employment opportunities.
The mission of the government of the County of San Bernardino is to satisfy its customers by providing service that promotes the health, safety, well being, and quality of life of its residents according to the County Charter, general laws, and the will of the people it serves.
Company Overview
The San Bernardino County Workforce Investment Board is comprised of private business representatives and public partners appointed by the County Board of Supervisors. It strives to create a strong, vibrant economy by developing the county’s workforce through partnerships with business, education and community-based organizations.
The WIB, through the county’s Economic Development Agency and W... See More
Specifically, the strategy concentrates on building a community with the following characteristics within San Bernardino County:
Engaged Forward Thinking Community Leaders
Business Investment in Human Capital
A Strong & Diverse Economy
An Integrated Infrastructure
Effective and Articulated Education System
Clearly Defined and Accessible Career Pathways
A Ready, Willing and Able Workforce